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FAQs about Balloon Sinuplasty

Is Balloon Sinuplasty procedure cleared for use by the FDA?

Balloon Sinuplasty procedure was first cleared by FDA in 2005.

Is Balloon Sinuplasty Effective?

There is enough clinical research that confirms the effectiveness of Balloon Sinuplasty in providing long term relief to patients.

Is the procedure permanent or should I repeat it?

For how long your sinuses remain open depends on the extent of your sinus disease among other factors. However, repetition of the procedure is unnecessary unless the surgeon deems it so.

So far how many people have undergone the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure?

There has been over 350,000 patients worldwide who have reported to have had Balloon Sinuplasty.

What advantages does Balloon Sinuplasty offer against traditional sinus surgery?

The procedure of Balloon sinuplasty is less invasive compared to traditional surgery. It causes minimal bleeding and also there is very little post operative pain. It is easy for most patients to get back to their normal working lives very quickly.

What is the duration for the symptom relief to last after Balloon Sinuplasty?

All results are dependent on the individual undergoing the procedure. Studies show that over 95% of patients have an average follow up period of 9 months. Some patients have also reported symptom improvement after two years of the procedure as well.

Is it safe to have Balloon Sinuplasty?

Yes, it is. Balloon Sinuplasty has been shown to be safe in many clinical studies. It is minimally invasive and has the ability to significantly improve the quality of life.

What is the material used to create this balloon?

A certain kind of plastic is used to create the balloon used in sinuplasty. This does not contain any latex.

Are there any risks associated with Balloon Sinuplasty?

The risk is low in Balloon Sinuplasty because it is a minimally invasive procedure. Compared to traditional sinus surgery, there is much lower complication rates in this procedure. There are however certain associated risks. For instance, tissue and mucosal trauma along with infection and sometimes optic injury has been reported in some cases. You should check with your doctor about the risks and benefits so that it can be decided whether your anatomy is fit for the procedure or not.

What is the duration for the total procedure?

The duration of the procedure varies with individual. However, in most cases the average procedure time is around 73 minutes. There is no requirement for an overnight stay after the procedure.

What type of anaesthesia is required in Balloon Sinuplasty?

The most widely practised form is general anaesthesia. However, a growing number of ENT specialists are performing the procedure in their clinics under local anaesthesia as well. The best person to answer your queries regarding anaesthesia is your healthcare provider.

What is the recovery time after Balloon Sinuplasty?

Almost all patients can get back to their normal life after 2 days. However, the time can vary depending on the person.

Will there be a limit in my future treatment options for sinusitis if I undergo Balloon Sinuplasty?

No, there won’t be any limits in future treatment options for sinusitis if you undergo this procedure. Surgeons can also use Balloon Sinuplasty along with other therapeutic options.

Am I the right patient to undergo Balloon Sinuplasty?

Your ENT specialist will decide on whether you should undergo balloon sinuplasty or whether you can be treated with other options. If your condition is chronic or if medications have not been able to produce the desired effect, then you might be a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty.

Is Balloon Sinuplasty a safe procedure on children?

Using balloon sinuplasty is a perfectly safe procedure to be used on children. It is effective in relieving chronic sinus issues in the maxillary sinuses of children.

What is the cost incurred in the procedure?

The cost of the procedure can vary depending on the type of balloon device used. The typical cost is between INR 1,50,000 and INR 1,70,000.

Is the cost of procedure covered under insurance?

If you have an insurance coverage, then you can speak to your insurance company regarding bearing the cost of the surgery. Having insurance coverage can reduce the cost of the procedure of Balloon Sinuplasty. These days many insurance companies are recognizing Balloon Sinuplasty in their coverage. In order to be certain, it is always better to check with your insurance provider to see whether your policy covers Balloon Sinuplasty.

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